New Chapter with Kurt Rist / Mex, Mavs & Jaws ?

NYSEA – When did you start surfing big waves?
Kurt – Hawaii, the season of ’09 to 2010

NYSEA – After spending a couple years in Hawaii what came next?

Kurt – For the next 5 years I started spending a lot more time in Ireland, towing and paddling the heavy slabs of Ireland. Then, over the last 3 years I really started getting Puerto in the mix. I’ve been so stoked to start putting in some time there as well.

NYSEA – You chose Puerto over Ireland this past fall. Is this the next home away from home for Kurt Rist? Or is Ireland still on your radar?

Kurt – Well.. a few more variables got thrown into the mix this year haha. My girlfriend is from Puerto so my intentions were to go down there and hang with her and her fam. It was really cool; I got barreled with my girlfriend and her family & friends for a month straight! Surfing Puerto every morning no matter what really sharpens your game.  It’s a place where you can get the most amazing barrel of your life and has a real nice lifestyle out of the water too. I can easily see it becoming a second home. I might not be putting in full winters in Ireland anymore, but I still want to chase epic swells over there. I’ve learned a lot over there, and the limits are being pushed every swell. It’s definitely a place I want to stay connected with.

NYSEA – From the gallery below from the time you spent in Mexico we see that there is no shortage of barrels to be had down south.  Last question, what’s coming next? Any surf goals this year? Any movies or videos coming out?

Kurt – I’m changing up my routine a little bit this year. I’m heading to Cali in a week or two, basing myself out of there for the winter. El Niño is looking like it’s going to produce a lot of waves. My main goal there is to put some time in at Mavericks and chase some heavy waves along the west coast. I’m also planning a strike mission for Jaws. I have a brand new 10′ and 10’6 that I’m looking to want to paddle into a few solid ones.

NYSEA – They say life is in chapters; we are stoked to see what the next chapter brings Kurt. Keep us posted, God Speed!!

Kurt – Yewhh, thanks for the support guys!